We Matter Too!
My mommy and me! Is something my baby always said to me. I had him later in life and his siblings were in their 20s and late teens when he came along. So he didn’t really understand the concept of sharing. He would always say to his siblings, that’s my mommy and me. So I ran with that and developed a line of care products that revolved around our bond. As a single parent things were always hard for me. But like most single mothers out there, we never give our children a glimpse of the reality they face in this world. We just make everything look so easy until they believe that mommy always has it together when mommy really doesn’t. Being a mother responsible for another life is very difficult. There is never any time for you to tend to your own needs. It is just always about your children. We all enjoy being mothers, some more than others, but it can be a daunting task, and we are constantly neglected.
So when I developed the My Mommy and Me care line, I wanted mothers to also have quality products that they can depend on that will help them not only take care of their children but take care of themselves. Mommies! It’s important that you take time for yourself because our children will always depend on us for everything and that dependency never dies until we do and then it’s too late. So start now and open up a box of our care products that will help you remember you matter too.
Also, check out our wide variety of products on Brooke’s Essential Personal Care line. Where we have products that are engineered with you in mind.